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  • jordana65

Not Afraid of Getting a Little Lost

During this time of year, here in Scotland the sunrise isn't until 08:30 and it sets by 16:30. I believe that means for a good portion of the start of our day and the end of it, we Scots, both temporary and permanent, travel around a world we can dimly see. But even so, in the two weeks that I have been in the Scottish midlands, that hasn't stopped people from living theirs lives or has filled their hearts with apathy. The Scottish people I believe to be some of the nicest of the world, partially because they aren't afraid of getting lost and also because they seem know how to help others who might be. You can see that in the grocery store clerks that have open conversations with you and the "how are you"s people say as a greeting. The mundane tasks of life here aren't so daunting and gives confidence to the harder tributes of life.

I don't think I realized what going to a new country and living in a place I've never even been slightly exposed to meant. It means roaming streets you've never seen before and taking the long way because you don't know the shortcuts. It means eating food and maybe realizing that it would have been better to go to that other place down the street. Or maybe buying a train ticket and later realizing a bus would have been more convenient. These are all ways you are a little lost in a new place. And it can feel frustrating and make you not want to try something new. But I want to remind myself and others that that is the beauty of life. That the not knowing soon creates the knowing. The journey is always an amazing story to tell and an incredibly satisfying accomplishment of the self. To be vulnerable is a beautiful thing and to continue that throughout our lives gives a sweet fulfillment. I feel that throughout our entire lives we should always feel slightly lost, or we might become too stagnant and too comfortable.

When I feel embarrassed because I can't understand what the taxi driver is saying, or when the young Scottish slang goes right over my head, or even when it's completely dark on my walk home from class, I remember that life is full of apprehensive moments. They come and go only to come back again. They might as well come in cool and exciting places. I am here. In Scotland. Young. With many years to come. I can feel in my soul this is where I'm meant to be at this instant, at this present moment in my life. So what I want to say to everyone reading this: Buy that plane ticket. Go to that club. Talk to that person. And remember to not be afraid to get a little lost.

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